Zero Roulette Wheel

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When talking about the sections of a roulette wheel, players most often are talking about what are called “French bets”, “announced bets”, and “called bets”. I’m going to describe and discuss these in some detail today, because they often seem exotic and confusing to many new English speaking roulette gamblers. Once you know why these wagers exist and what the gamblers who make them are trying to do, they tend to be easy to keep track of. In fact, they’re quite easy to spot, because they divide the roulette wheel into various sectors. Just remember the numbers 22/25 and 27/30, because these are used to divide up the wheel into different sections.

These bets often use French phrases to describe them, which is why they are called French bets. If you aren’t comfortable speaking French (even phonetically), I’ll provide translations, which tend to be recognized in English language casinos. Before I get too far, I want to distinguish between what are called announced bets and called bets.

Roulette wheel game

Differences in Announced and Called Bets

Zero Roulette Wheel

An “announced bet” is when you announce to the croupier (roulette dealer) that you want to make one of the French bets below. In these cases, you announce your bet and move to place your chips in the appropriate location.

But back to roulette. The zero is the only green number on the roulette wheel, and it marks the difference between a European Roulette wheel and an American Roulette wheel, as a European wheel has one zero pocket and an American wheel has two zero pockets (the 0 and the 00). A normal European roulette wheel only has a 0, and it does NOT include a 00. So a European, or single-zero, roulette wheel only has 37 numbers total, 0-36. An American wheel, on the other hand, has 0-36, but it also has a 00, which gives a total of 38 numbers on the wheel. European Roulette Only Has One Zero. Some casinos also offer European roulette, which only has 37 possible outcomes. They only have a single zero on this roulette wheel – other than that, the wheel is exactly the same.

Roulette Wheel Game

A “called bet” is similar, except you call out which bet you want to make, but don’t move to place your chips on the appropriate locations about the table. Because this is considered by many pit bosses and casino managers to be betting on credit, many casinos do not allow called betting. Because announced bets follow procedure, they are allowed throughout the world.